Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Obama is Pressuring Israel to Gain Political Points Over Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin understands the importance of using the media, and is a master of the art of public relations. From his decision just prior to the Sochi Winter Olympics to release high-profile political prisoner, billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky, to his September op-ed in The New York Times that urged the American people to oppose a U.S. military strike in Syria, the man does what is in his best interest.

Last week, the Obama Administration blamed Russia for leaking a private telephone call between two American diplomats, and for posting a transcript online of the diplomats’ discussion. This tape allowed Russia to remind the world that America spied on her allies, just as Russia used Edward Snowden to show America as a bully. Putin successfully protected Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, despite Assad violating all of Obama’s supposed red lines. Putin continually scores the upper hand, as Russia deftly manipulates the world’s media in a manner that undermines American might. It goes on and on. ‎

As Mitt Romney said a few weeks ago, “I think Putin has outperformed our President, time and time again on the world stage.” As Romney continued in discussing Putin and Obama, he suggested this is “a bit of a stick in the eye at America. And I think most observers of the international political scene suggest that Russia has elevated itself in stature and America has been diminished.”

With Putin’s repeated victories on the world stage, it seems that pressuring Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu is the Obama Administration’s best chance to regain political power internationally.

Clearly, America under the leadership of President Barack Obama is weaker – and getting the Israelis and Palestinian Arabs to make “peace” under the watch of Kerry and Obama would constitute a very major political victory on the world stage for this American Administration.

Before being overthrown, President Mubarak of Egypt asked whether Obama’s America knows the difference between how to treat friends and how to treat enemies.

He was right – and now Egypt is much less of an ally to the West, and with America continually losing power on the world stage, pressuring Israel to make dangerous sacrifices seems to be the course America has chosen to recapture world power.

The State of Israel must stand up firmly to the pressure of the Obama Administration and continually remind the American people that the only place in the Middle East where the American flag isn’t burnt regularly is Israel. Don’t let a weakened Israel be the prize that the Obama Administration seeks on the world stage.

Ronn Torossian is an entrepreneur who is a featured columnist for The Algemeiner, Newsmax, Israel National News, and has recently started blogging on The Huffington Post, where his posts may be read here.

SOURCE http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/02/12/obama-is-pressuring-israel-to-gain-political-points-over-putin/

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